- Distribution Group: ITOM Oversight Committee email
- Steward: Andrea Graeser
- Standing Meeting: 3rd Thursday, 9:05 - 10:00 AM
- Chairs: Andrew Auerbach, MD, and Sian Shumway
- Membership: View Current Membership
- ITOM Report (approved; login required)
The ITOM Oversight Committee reports directly to the IT Governance Steering Committee and oversees the implementation of the ITOM Recommendations and the program’s budget. The IT Governance Steering Committee must approve any proposed modifications to the ITOM Recommendations or budget augmentations.
The primary functions of the Oversight Committee are:
- Prioritize the implementation of ITOM Recommendations.
- Appoint ad hoc working groups as needed to develop and implement ITOM Recommendations.
- Monitor ITOM workstreams under implementation by the ITOM project team, including IS-3 Program, across a multi-year timeline appropriate for the Operating Model’s goals. Ensure that the budget is allocated accordingly.
- Monitor that implementation strategies and outcomes are true to the intent and guiding principles of the recommendations.
- Provide regular updates to IT Governance Steering Committee.
- Engage IT Governance subcommittees for input and support.
- Ensure that the ITOM Operating Model aligns with each mission area's campus strategies and priorities.
- Propose material changes to the recommendations to IT Governance Steering Committee for approval.
- Support change management and communication strategies developed by the ITOM Oversight Committee’s Community Engagement Working Group